A beautiful place became a desert over night
Once a beautiful place, turned to a desert
Akabuka is located in omoku rivers-state of Nigeria. It used to be a place of happiness, laughter, and very accomodative with strangers, lots of happenings everyday, as the community is surrounded with other host communities of Total Nigeria, people used to flood Akabuka especially on their 'nkwo market day'. A place filled with vibrant youths, old men and women with wisdom and creativity.
But things changed!
Late 2016 a group of boys had form associations still from the same communnity terrorizing one another, on 2017 it became worst because other members of the community were begining to be affected as there were alot of killings and kidnapping, foriegners started running away even indigins left Akabuka with there businesses, most people were going to churches to sleep at night , the people were living in fear, gun- shots was the order of the day, many poeple left the community, because even when they agreed to make peace early 2018, they still countinued in blood shed, kidnapping, etc. People could no longer risk life by staying, most families in Akabuka lossed their loved ones due to this act .Such a beautiful place was turned to a desert.
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